PPQPF Product Description The National Weather Service (NWS) River Forecast Centers (RFC) require percentile amounts that can be accumulated for arbitrary periods up to 72 hours. A rigorous statistical approach would require development of percentile amounts for a staggering number of different accumulation intervals to meet this need. The suite of Possible Percentile Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (PPQPF) meets this need based on a simple approach. The simple approach entails the following: 1. Compute the percentile amounts for the 72-h accumulation in the same manner as done for the 6-h Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (PQPF) as described here: http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/pqpf/about_pqpf_products.shtml 2. Disaggregate the 72-h percentile accumulations into plausible 6-h accumulations that are in the same ratio to the 72-h percentile accumulation as the 6-h HPC QPF is to the 72-h HPC QPF. This simple method is consistent with the assumption applied for the creation of both the 6-h and 72-h PQPF: The HPC QPF is the most likely outcome. Although this approach cannot claim to find the most probable breakout of the 72-h percentile amounts into 6-h amounts, it is based on the reasonable assumption that such a disaggregation exists and may be approximated in the manner described.